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The 26th

London School of Economics and Political Science

Intrnational Social Economic Forum in Japan

G8 Summit Research Group Presentation

by Professor John Kirton
(Lecture and News Conference with Japanese and English interpretation)

             ‘Prospects for the Okinawa Summit’

Date: July 13th (Thurs.), 2000
Time: 10:00am-12:30pm
Place: Nippon Press Centre (9F) Conference Room, or (10F) Hall

   The G7/G8 Summit has played a crucial role in examining, economic,

political,and global issues such as internatioal  security notably on

the Korean Peninsula and the Taiwan Strait, conflict prevention, Information Technology, environmental protection, the response to Financial crisis,and international financial sysyten  reform and  trade


   The G8 Research Group has long served as the world’s leading, independent source of information, analysis, and research on the G7/G8 Summit.( See        Its  members include scholars and former sherpas, diplomats, and  business peolple  from  the Summit member states.  The G8 Research Group has produced the world’s most

comprehensive publicly available collection of documentation and publications, including many papers on Japan s  role  in  the  past summits. 
    Furthermore, the G8 Research Group has developed a full-scale program of public lectures, conferences, briefings, anlytic studies and media commentry to the global community through the use of   internet.  Last year, during the Cologne Summit, it mainfed the world*s largest global online classroom invloving close to 5,000 students from over1,000institutions in 72 countries.

Two years ago, as the President of LSE International Social Economic Forum in Japan, I  attended a symposium held in London involving scholars and intellectuals and officials of  Ministries  of Foreign Affairs, and  Finance, and Judges of International Court of Justice, to discuss the agenda of the then  forthcoming   Birmngham Summit.
    This year, Professor John Kirton who is the founder and Director of the G8  Research Group, will be presenting
lecture titled, Prospects for the Okinawa Summit’ on July 13th, 2000.
    Moreover on July 17th, the G8 Research Group and the International  Development Research Institute and  the United Nations University, will be co-hosting a symposium on the Okinawa Summit with participation from   the Foreign Ministry.

   Please complete and send the attached application form by July 10th, 2000 to the LSE International Social Economic Forum Office.   For those who would like to attend both the lecture on the 13th and the conference on the 17th, please send the attached form indicating this ASAP.

          Shinichiro Uda
LSE International Social Economic Forum in Japan

            and a member of the G8 Research Group

UDA LSE Office: Nihon Press Centre Bldg.,8F,2-2-1,Uchisaiwaicho, Chiyoda-ku,Tokyo 100-0011


I )    I will attend LSE International Social Economic forum

               Prospects for the Okinawa summits

       on 13th Thursday 10 AM- 1230PM


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II )  July 17th Symposium 13’30-1800  at UN University at Aoyama , near Omotesando underground station.  ( Please mark )      I also would like to attend.